Reason why FRP is Better than Other Materials in Malaysia

Fiber reinforced plastic as known as FRP creating an impact in the industries nowadays where the main element is fiberglass. With its outstanding ability, people tend to prefer to use FRP instead of other materials such as steel, aluminum, and wood for various production purposes.

 fiberglass malaysia

As trend changing, there are many manufacturers that starting to engage in the business of fiberglass in Malaysia. Hence, you can easily reach out the fiberglass supplier in Malaysia using the Internet. So, what are the reason FRP Trading is better than the materials listed?


  1. Corrosion

FRP outweighed all the other materials such as steel and aluminium in term of its resistant to corrosion. FRP is highly resistant to chemicals reaction which they do not corrode easily. Also, FRP is waterproof and is not affected by the moisture or when immersed in the water.


As compared to steel and aluminium, both of it is not resistant to corrosion and require changing frequently. Besides, woods material is not waterproof and subject to attack by the termite.


Using water slides as an example, it is not possible to use steel or wood to produce the waterslides as they will rot and not water resistant. However, fiberglass water slides can sustain water resistant and will not rot as compared to the steel.


  1. Strength

When it comes to strength, FRP as well outweighed the other materials. First, is the ability to bend. FRP allows you to form it into different kind of complex shapes. Also, in term of the ability to withstand the powerful force and heavyweight items, FRP allow handling the heavier weight items.


Steel and aluminium, however, the flexibility is not as high as the FRP as it requires heavy force to form the complex shape as compared to FRP. For woods, however, the ability to handle heavyweight items is relatively weak and unable form the complex shape.


  1. Weight

FRP takes the lead in term of the weight. FRP is weight at about 75% lesser than the weight of the steel, 30% lesser than the aluminium and definitely lower than wood logs. The lighter weight allows you able to carry the FRP faster and more at a time.


Compared to other materials. Steel requires lifting equipment to carry the steel material from one location to another location due to the heaviest weight among all. Although, aluminium and wood are lighter than steel, however, it still requires more manpower to carry it.


Using furniture as the example. If the furniture is made of steel, aluminium or woods it will be heavy to carry around the house. However, fiberglass furniture is lighter compared to these materials where you can move the furniture freely around the house without trouble.



  1. Electrical conductivity

FRP is an insulator which it doesn’t conduct electricity. It is safer as compared to other materials as the FRP is prevented from the electrical waves flow that able to prevent you from being shocked by electric. Here, FRP is better.


Steel and aluminium is a conductor that will conduct electricity easily where you should pay additional care not being harm by the electrical flow. Although wood is an insulator when it is dry but become a conductor when it is wet and moist as it is soaked with water.


Therefore, the best material uses to design the water pool will be fiberglass because fiberglass pool is an insulator and is water resistance. Besides, it doesn’t corrode quickly as other materials like woods and steel.


  1. Colour

FRP as well taking the lead in term of the colour. FRP doesn’t require painting as the colour is moulded during the manufacturing process and doesn’t require to repaint the fiberglass regularly.

 custom made sculpture

But, steel, aluminium, and would require painting over time to ensure that the materials are durable, and the speed of rotting is reduced. This is another cost incurred here as it has to constantly repaint the materials to keep it lasting.


Using the custom-made sculpture as the example. One of the benefits of using the fiberglass for sculpture is because of the ability to form the complex shape. Moreover, FRP has the colour moulded that able to increase the attractiveness of the custom-made sculpture.